- The reading introduces nine criteria for effective feedback. Which of these criteria do you find the most challenging to implement in your own interactions, and why?
I think the most challenging feedback method is to give feedback by someone that is not in a position of power (someone in a position as an equal). I believe this is hard to do effectively since peers at the same position of power might not want to affect their relationship with their coworkers. Hence, the feedback that they might give can be inaccurate or too soft.
At the same time, product managers or employees in a position with more power than others are probably more experienced that working peers. This means that they could give more valuable and insightful feedback to other employees causing a substantial improvement in the operation of a team.
Nevertheless, I think it is possible to find a sweet spot and allow managers to create safe feedback space where they artificially can set themselves as equals to other employees. This could be done by:
a) Explicitly stating that during the time of the feedback session there would be no judgement
b) The manager can start the meeting with autocritical feedback to himself/herself that sets the safe space for being okay with being wrong
- The reading mentions that many people fear feedback that “disconfirms” their self-image or self-worth. How does this fear affect our ability to give and receive feedback effectively, and how can we overcome it?
The ego of employees especially in the tech space is a matter to manage very carefully. There are many high achievers that are really passionate about what they do, but this also leads to being sensitive to feedback. I think I have had this problem in the past especially with products I design. Instead of listening to customer or cofounders feedabck I rapidly reacted defending the reasoning for my design. But with time I have been intentional in listening deeply and attentively before reacting and being okay with accepting that my designs can always be better. CoFounders and customers are not there to judge me, they are my most powerful tool to improve my product.
- The reading suggests that feedback should be interactive rather than confrontative. How can we make feedback discussions interactive so that they become opportunities for growth and understanding?
I think it is important to give and receive feedback both ways (employee <> manager) in a conversation so this becomes a safe and open environment in a company. Managers are not perfect and there are a lot of things that they can improve for sure. If a team is not achieving their OKRs a manager and an employee should brainstorm together how together they can change to be successful and achieve key objectives and metrics.