Based on the readings this week, I would say that I would accept a job at Facebook. The readings detailed the ethical considerations based on selecting a job. I view the ethical decisions for selecting a job to be very personal, and, I have a personal list of ethical considerations I would not cross and the companies that I would not work for based on that. However, I acknowledge that everyone’s list looks different, and sometimes, to be able to even consider the ethical implications of a job itself is a privilege, just like the reading said, since for some, it is their ethical responsibility to accept a job that can move their family to a different tax bracket, for example. For me, a question that guided me to answer this question is How close is my work to those actions I believe wrong? Facebook as a company has problems that raised my eyebrow, but I also believe that is the case for the majority of for-profit-businesses that at the end of the day are driven by profits, since to be able to make a profit, I believe there’s always someone receiving the short-end of the stick, whether that be other businesses, people, or animals (in L’Oreal’s case). In Facebook’s case’s, I view the example given in the Vox article documented Facebook’s dominance in the media space now, and personally, that wouldn’t be something I consider to be a violation of my own ethical values, but just as a sign of changing times, for instance, the same argument can be made to how television ads years ago changed the landscape of advertising. I think that at end of the day, all businesses are driven by profits, and it is up to the individual to see how that business is driving profit and if that fits their own personal ethical framework

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