[NILE CROCODILES] Usability Testing: Clickable Prototype and Usability Script

Team Nile Crocodiles: Adrian Rivas, Anchal Sayar, Andrew Franks, Maggie Skortcheva


We want to test our onboarding, note creation, and home screen interaction flows during this usability testing session.


Hello, we are team Love Language. We’re here to get your feedback on our app that helps couples learn languages together to be more consistent.

We will show you a preliminary prototype and would appreciate any initial feedback and impressions as you complete three basic tasks. Today, we will be showing you the (1) onboarding flow, (2) creating a note flow, and (3) viewing/annotating a note from a partner.

As we go through the task I want to encourage you to think out loud, and if anything is confusing or you don’t like it, please let me know. If, for any reason, you no longer wish to participate, you are welcome to stop participating at any time.

Usability Script

Link to Google Doc

Background Questions

  • Have you ever been in a romantic relationship with someone whose native language is not English?
  • Did you grow up speaking a language different from English?
  • Have you ever tried learning the native language of a current or past romantic partner?
  • Are you tech-savvy?
  • Are you currently in a relationship?
  • Are either you or your partner currently in the process of learning a new language?
  • Is this language one that either of you are native speakers in?
  • Do you write letters to your romantic partner?
  • How do you and your partner mainly communicate?
  • How do you and your partner engage with each other’s culture?


(For Tasks 1-5): You are in a romantic relationship with someone whose native language is not English. You have been trying to learn their native language for some amount of time. You have reached a point in your language-learning journey where you can write simple sentences. You and your partner have just started using the Love Language App to exchange notes in that language.

  • Task 1: Create a profile and connect with your partner on the app
  • Task 2: Create a note for your partner, customize it, and send it.
  • Task 3: Open a detailed view of a note in the gallery.
  • Task 4: Search for “sinfonía” in a note.
  • Task 5: Filter results for only text-based notes.

(For Task 6): Imagine that your couple is working for an international consulting firm that requires them to go across the country for a business trip for a weekend. During the weekend, they are too busy to answer your calls and texts. You feel nostalgic and go to the gallery to go back in time.

  • Task 6: View your gallery to reminisce about good memories of your partner while they are away on a business trip.


Thank you for participating in our Usability Study. Do you have any follow-up questions for me?

Clickable Prototypes

Link to Google Doc

Link to “Onboarding” Clickable Prototype

Link to “Creating a Note” Clickable Prototype

Link to “Gallery” Clickable Prototype 


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