Proto-Personas & Journey Maps

The persona I chose for this assignment was an undergraduate student in West Virginia called Valeria. She is your typical undergraduate student that goes to class, does some homework, and goes to her weekly club meetings. However, she is also hyper aware of those around her, which provides some interesting insight into how she moves along throughout her day. Little things do matter to her, which makes her an interesting persona to study when it comes to posture. Her awareness of others serves her as a reminder to keep up her good posture, but what about when she is alone?

In her journey map, we see hints or subtle mentions of wanting to be healthier and feeling poorly about their posture. Both of these relate back to being perceived by others. Valeria is a relatively healthy individual except when it comes to some of her eating habits where she has to eat on the fly. However, this seems to affect her image as she wants to be seen as perfect as possible. This includes her dressing well and having good posture to live up to the outfit she is wearing. There seems to be a conflict at hand: Valeria wants to be as physically healthy as possible, but at the same time has trouble keeping up a healthy lifestyle. Can improving her lifestyle toward a healthier one be a solution to improving her bad posture habits? This is something we can figure out now thanks to this journey map that follows her throughout the day and tracks her thoughts and pain points.


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