For SwiftTech, group 1D
Test Card
We believe that: Outdoorsy people and generally “adventurous and eco-conscious” consumers will be willing to pay more for a rugged, long-lasting “investment” phone designed to accompany them on their adventures for a much greater span of time than that of a typical top-of-market smartphone. [⚠️⚠️⚠️(most critical)]
To verify that, we will: Perform specific market research and conduct interviews surveying our potential buyers’ attitudes and consumption trends. Specifically, I am asking if people in our target market would be enthused to buy a one-time investment purchase of a rugged phone designed to last them 2-3x the typical lifetime of a premium smartphone. In doing this, we hope to gain a more holistic understanding of our product’s market viability in the eyes of our target market. [$ (low cost), 👍/👍👍(low- medium reliability)]
and measure: the percentage surveyed of people who are willing to invest in a rugged, tech-savvy smartphone that more closely aligns with their lifestyle as an outdoorsperson. We will also track the level of enthusiasm/congruence with our pitch idea on a scale from 1-4 and again on a scale from 1-5 (with and without a middle index). [🕓/🕓🕓(low-medium time)]
We are right if: participants display enthusiasm (quantitative) for the product pitched, and if their feedback (qualitative) enlightens my team and me to a clear indication that the features offered could adequately differentiate us in the saturated smartphone market.
Learning Card:
We believed that: outdoorsy and environmentally-minded consumers would care enough about the “greenness” of their tech purchases (smartphone specifically) to purchase a longer-lasting, highly robust phone once every 5-10y instead of a shorter-lived, less robust phone every 2-4y.
We observed: that there was not a significant consensus among thirty people surveyed to prove/disprove our assumption adequately. Roughly 57% of surveyed people disclosed their willingness to invest in our product. Regarding interviewee’s enthusiasm: most participants, on a 1-4 scale, voted either a two or a three (1: 4, 2:11, 3:13, 4:3). On a 1-5 scale, most participants ranked either a three or a four, indicating slightly more enthusiasm (1:2, 2:3, 3:13, 4:9, 5:3). A majority of participants indicated a verbal enthusiasm for the product features, and 40% of participants who ranked lower than a three on either scale said discouraging remarks about the product. [👍👍/👍👍👍(medium-high reliability)]
From this, we learned that: a sizeable portion of our experimental target market is at least somewhat enthused by our product offering and would consider buying our rugged phone if given the opportunity. [ ✅✅✅(action definitely required)]
Therefore, we will: conduct more market research better to understand the habits of consumers in our target market. After completing said research, we will work to optimize our product offering to ensure better success at a theoretical launch date.