We want to revolutionize journaling for the tech savvy.
Key learnings:
- Many want to journal but struggle to journal regularly
- Many want a better way to reflect about their past memories.
- Many do not see the point in reflection or journaling.
By observing repeated statements from our initial user interviews, we came up with funky personas that our eventual solution can empower. We call them Iris the Irregular, Noah the Null Pointer, and Peter the Photographer. These names capture their core trait as a demographic. Iris struggles to be regular with journaling. Noah does not see the point in journaling or reflecting much about his days. And Peter is a visual person who takes lots of videos and photos but does not have a way to use them to reflect on life.
Finally, we made journey maps to visualize how they felt in the 5 day user study period when we asked them to journal about their day-to-days. We tried to categorize their stories using tried and tested themes in design thinking: Awareness, Motivation, Attempts to Solution, Struggles, Crisis and Failure.
To infinity and beyond:
After capturing relevant information in a visually accessible layout, we are inspired to think about interventions to help people journal the modern way.
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