Proto-Personas and Journey Maps

I am a part of Team Nighthawks, and we aim to improve exercise routines for college students. We understand that different people have different schedules, different motivations, and even different definitions of exercise, so we want to find a solution that can fit many different lifestyles. Here, I have created two personas, AM and KA, who are on their fitness journey.

AM, influenced by one of our diary study participants, aims to improve her physical health by listening to her body. She sets aside time each day for her workouts, but does not have a set workout routine. She does what she feels is right for her each day, but she also picks her workouts based on the environment she is in. She enjoys exercising, but her confidence wavers depending on her surroundings.

KA, also inspired by one of our participants, is a beginner on his fitness journey. He has quickly become comfortable in the gym, but he wants to learn more and build a steady routine. He is driven by motivation, rather than discipline, which proves to be a challenge when squeezing his workouts into his daily life.


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