Design Fiction [Narwhals]

Our application, Screen Paws, has the potential to positively impact people worldwide by helping them be more mindful about their screen time usage, resulting in less phone usage in applications that are deemed negative by the user. Despite its benefits ,there are some potential unintended consequences of the application. For example, high school students could use the application to mock their peers for spending so much time on their phones. Or the app could be abused by parents who attempt to interfere in the personal lives of their teenagers by monitoring their phone usage on the app, resulting in their children feeling socially isolated from their friends because they are no longer to engage with friends on social media. A third case is that the application could have the opposite effect as intended. Users could potentially find the mechanic of making their cats fatter humorous and begin to use their phones more often. Or they may see that everyone has fat cats, which makes them feel justified in the screen usage. While Screen Paws does have good intentions and could result in positively affecting the lives of millions, it also has potential flaws that should be thoughtfully considered before its widespread use.

Collin Jung

About the author

Collin Jung. BS/MS 2025

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