Experiment Synthesis: What Do People (Creatively) Want?!

Experiment Overview (Test Cards)

Below are the test cards we filled out to describe the experiments we ran in order to test two assumptions: whether or not users will prefer to receive creative prompts from their friends over generating them themselves, and whether users prefer to only engage with prompts within their specified areas of interest or prefer to branch out into other types of creative activities.


You can find more detailed information about our experiment design in our earlier blog post here.


Explanation of Participants Recruited

For the Diversity of Prompts experiment, we wanted to recruit people who fit our persona of the Normal Nelson: a Stanford student who does not regularly do creative practices, and feels constrained by their hectic schedule and ability to try doing them on a daily basis. We chose these participants to align with our intervention study, where we primarily tested people who fit the Normal Nelson persona. Furthermore, the assumptions we are testing are based on the results from the intervention study. The Normal Nelson is the initial primary user we want to target. We reached out to friends who we know had very hectic schedules and creative practices they enjoy, but do not regularly prioritize.

For the Prompt Sourcing Preferences experiment, we recruited participants from a community that more regularly engages with creativity than a Normal Nelson might (design students). This was useful to this study because we wanted to keep the type of prompt consistent throughout the study (for example, all prompts were around drawing or sketching) so we could focus the experiment more specifically on whether users preferred the drawing idea to come from the “app”, themselves, or collaboratively from their friends. It also helped that the participants were familiar with each other, so they could engage with the prompts that other participants generated on a more personal level.


Pictures from Experiments

Experiment 1: Diversity in Prompts

Experiment 2: Prompt Sourcing Preferences


Final synthesis (Learning Cards)



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