I value diversity in ethics

I feel that ethics is, for the most part, a very subjective and complicated issue. Although I have my own ideas, I appreciate variety and the wide spectrum of values that each individual has for themselves. As a result, one must accept that one’s own concept of “ethical behavior” is neither ultimate nor conclusive.

The author appears to acknowledge this as well, adding that the morality of the aforementioned experiments is still controversial. (“Assume just for the sake of argument that it is wrong and the experiments were immoral.”) If a company is involved in truly unethical and illegal activities, I would expect authorities to step in.

On the other hand, if what the company does is not against the law (especially in the long run), I would have fewer issues with the matter.

Therefore, I would accept a job at Meta.
(+) I must acknowledge that I am at a point in my career where I have formed my own beliefs and priorities, but with regard to Job Sequencing, my values may change over time. I’m also interested to observe how my thinking evolves as the course proceeds.

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  1. I love the growth mindset. I agree, the more clear you are about your personal ethics framework, the easier it is to make choices.

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