Intervention Study: Proto-Personas & Journey Maps

Persona #1: B.C.

Drawing Name B.C.
Activated Role First-year Ph.D. student
Goal Find friends to play a niche sport with at school
Motivation They want to be able to continue playing and improving in this sport, which requires at least 5 people.
Conflict They don’t know how (and haven’t yet been able) to find people who play this sport on campus.
Attempts to Solve Tried to find a club on campus for this, but one doesn’t exist
Setting/ Environment Anywhere on campus, ideally in their dorm so they can easily meet with these people to play
Tools Some event or tool to find people who play this sport, or an opportunity to teach someone who may be interested. They have all the necessary equipment too.
Skills They are really good at this sport and feel super excited to teach it to or play it with others.


Rationale: Many students live in apartment-style housing and do not have many opportunities in their daily life to meet people. I wanted to capture this, as well as the importance/power of common interests in terms of forming friendships.

Key Insights: While creating this journey map for B.C., I reflected a lot on the unique features of living somewhere without communal facilities or spaces. I also thought about how much Ph.D students lack facilitated social interactions. In order to see people, they need to actively make plans to do so. I also drew from a key finding from our interviews + study: common interests make it a lot easier to form friendships.


Persona #2: S.T.

Drawing Name S.T.
Activated Role College Freshman
Goal Make new friends in their dorm so they can attend dorm events/have someone to talk to there. 
Motivation They feel lonely/unsupported on campus, especially in the dorm they live in.
Conflict They are quite shy and not sure how to go about making friends.
Attempts to Solve They try going to dorm events to meet new people,, but when they arrive, it often  seems people are already with their established friend groups.
Setting/ Environment Their student dormitory
Tools A tool or place to meet people in their dorm who are also looking for friends
Skills They are shy but great at empathizing with others/being a good friend. It’s winter quarter, so they have a lot of time to dedicate towards fostering relationships. They are also good at scheduling and planning. 

Rationale: I wanted to create a representative college freshman hoping to make new friends during their first year!

Key Insights: While creating this journey map for S.T., I realized the importance of meal times, especially for undergraduates who eat in the dining halls. Every meal is an opportunity to see people, even if it is unplanned. I also thought about how dorm events can facilitate social interactions and bring people together at the end of a busy day.


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