PROJECT: Measuring Me Take 2

The behavior that I observed during Saturday and Sunday was recording how I engaged in recreational reading. What I noticed during this time was that my recreational reading is generally sparked by some other form of media, in this specific case, an online video describing some of the early chapters of the book. My interest was captured and I began reading. I kept track of when I started each reading session and when I ended the reading session. Between the two days, there were three reading sessions: one five hour session during Saturday night and two sessions, three hours and two hours, during Sunday. At the end of the second session on Sunday, I had completed reading the book. 

I believe that there are several points about my reading habits. The first is that reading was not really my first option when it comes to activities that occupy my free time (the first option is typically watching YouTube videos). There were several times during Saturday afternoon when I was just watching videos. It was not until I watched a video that sparked my interest in the book that I actually started reading. The second thing that I noticed was that my reading sessions are quite long. The first reading session on Saturday was five hours and only ended because I needed to go to sleep. The second and third sessions on Sunday would have been connected if not for my need to make dinner (I was reading while eating dinner). I do believe that if I had the time to keepMore generally, it seems that when I’m interested in a story, it’s easy for me to lose track of time and single-mindedly continue to read it until its conclusion. 

Something I would do differently next time would be to purposefully limit my video watching time. I would like to further explore my leisure activities and how each ranks against each other. I am interested in seeing if I would still be reading even without a video to spark initial interest. 





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