Sketchnote: The Science of Habits

Sketchnotes for Dr. Wendy Wood’s “The Science of Habits” talk


I spent a lot longer on the sketchnotes than anticipated because I kept pausing the video to finish my drawings. I thoroughly enjoyed this method of learning and taking in information way more than how I usually take my notes. I would like to apply this way of visual learning to my other courses as well.

As for next time, I would like to apply Rachel Smith’s visual practices more — especially her point on writing down the main keyword or idea and then finishing the sketch later. During lectures, it’s not possible to take in everything fully so this is something I’d like to practice. It would also be useful for me to return to the information after the lecture and visually interpret them for the second time. Additionally, I’d like to use color and arrows more purposefully. During the process, I was just using blue, purple, and yellow without any meaning or connection. It makes the sketchnotes more appealing to the eye but perhaps it’s too busy or would make it harder to recognize any connections between the main ideas.

I’m surprised I was able to fit everything on a singular page because I’m usually a very wordy notetaker. Through this experience, I’ve realized that even without the pages and pages of lengthy notes, I’m still able to grasp the key ideas — if not better than when I take wordy notes.





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