Team 10 – Experiment Synthesis

Experiment Overview

We decided to run our experiments in the format of a mini-intervention study. This was mainly because a) most of our participants were already used to the format, and thus could be onboarded quickly and b) 2 of our 3 assumptions that were trying to test needed some longitudinal depth, and the intervention study was the best vehicle to get that information. However, we did build in some more quantitative metrics in order to get numbers from our experiments over purely qualitative data. 

That being said, here are the 3 test cards that comprised our Intervention Study:

Test Card 1

Test Card 2


Test Card 3


To see the format of the study in more detail, see our Intervention Study 2.0 Writeup here:

Our Participants

As we mentioned in our quick class presentation, we were pretty deliberate about the selection of our study participants. Since a core part of our app rests on social accountability, and the ability to view friends’ posts and their activity progress, we wanted to test our app in the environment where it would be best utilized – in friend groups. Additionally, in this study, we had 2 participants that completed the intervention on their own, to test the various assumptions on that equally important use case.  

We also made sure that we had both of our personas represented in the user participants – both I W. Change and Productiva. While this wasn’t an explicit test, we were also looking out for a continuing trend in our user studies – the Productiva persona was more likely to fall off using the app than the I W. Change persona.

Some pictures

One of our categories for experiments is creative tasks. Namely, there’s a drawing tutorial series out there called “Drawabox” that’s intended to get even the most novice of drawers to competent drawing ability. We pulled a few of our activities from that lesson series, and here are some of our participants’ results:

Drawings of Ghosted Planes

Final Learnings Synthesis

And finally, here are our summarized learnings, all laid out on Learning Cards.

Learning Card 1

Learning Card 2

Learning Card 3


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