Team 10 – Prototype (version 1)

Our Clickable Prototype

Link to our Clickable Prototype (on Figma):

Usability Test Script


  • Open mobile phone to something “neutral,” like the device’s Home screen


Hi, ___________. My name is ___________, and I’m going to be walking you through this session today. 

Before we begin, I have some information for you, and I’m going to read it to make sure that I cover everything. 

You probably have some idea about why you are here, but let me go over that more concretely. Our team is asking people to try a mobile app that we were working on to see if it works as intended. 

Dont worry about making mistakes! You are testing the software, we are not testing you.

I would like to ask you a favor; as you are using the mobile app, try as much as possible to think out loud. Tell me what you want to do, what you expect to find, and what you are looking at right now. This will really help us understand and flush out any bumps we encouter.

Be brutally honest! The more feedback you give the more we can improve our application and help more people!

Please also let me know if you have any questions throughout the process. Depending on the question, I will either answer it promptly, or I will tell you that I may not be able to answer your question. This is because we want to figure out how people will behave when they do not have someone who can answer their questions right away.

Before we start, I would like to ask if we can record the session. The recording will only be seen by the team. It will really help us out and it will also allow me to give you my full attention rather than taking notes. How does that sound?


  • Give recording permission form and wait to be signed
  • Start recording


Now that we are all setup, do you have any questions?



Let us begin with a few questions

  1. Can you walk me through a typical day in your life?
  2. How often do you have breaks throughout the day?
  3. How do you usually spend your breaks?

Thank you so much for your response!



  • Open Home page

First, I want you to just look at this page without tapping or scrolling elsewhere. What are your thoughts? What strikes you about it? How does it make you feel? Draw me a narrative.

Thank you for your insight!



Now we will ask you to complete some specific tasks. I will tell you the task to complete and please remember as you do the task to think out loud. 


Task 1: Onboarding & Setup

  • Open first onboarding screen

For the first task, we would like you to go through the onboarding and setup process. You will begin on the following screen. 

On the signup screen, select your google account. 

Next, select the active break type, and choose the outdoor walk

Perfect! Well done. How was that?


Task 2: Completing a break

  • Open the first break screen

For the second task, we would like you to go through the process of doing a break. 

First, we would like you to choose the outdoor walk break.

Second, start the break. 

When the break is finished, take a picture of the break. 

Well done! How did that feel?


Task 3: Social

Now that you have a picture of your break, can you go ahead and share it with your friends.

Next, we would like you to open Arjun’s break activity picture and comment on it. 

Well done! What were your thoughts on this task?



Now, we are done with our tasks! Before I let you go, I just wanted to ask the team if they have any questions for you. 

  • Ask team questions

Finally, what are your thoughts? How do you feel about the overall flow? Do you have any concluding thoughts?

Finally, do you have any questions for me before we wrap up?



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