Usability Report

Ranked Issues:

    1. Severe – Lack of onboarding
      1. Problem: Users were a bit confused about how to navigate through the app and desired ways to interact with their family members
      2. Fix: Include a set of graphical intro/tutorial screens that takes the new user through different functionalities and pages.
    2. Severe – Not clear how to edit family members.
      1. Fix: Add an Edit button on the My Family page, perhaps one edit button next to each family member.
    3. Severe – Confusion about logging an interaction
      1. Problem: Users weren’t sure if the logging was after communication, or was for scheduling time in your calendar to communicate. 
      2. Fix: To help prevent this confusion, we will take two approaches: 1) Have onboarding screens which make clearer the way in which logging should occur, and make clear that you should log communication after you successfully reach the family member and 2) Congratulate users at the start of logging, rather than at the end, to make it clear that they are being celebrated for having contacted the family member. 
    4. Moderate – Flower / stages / positioning / type of flowers etc. 
      1. Problem: Users understood that the flowers represented family members and the strength of the relationship, but had questions about flower types, flower life stages and how flowers grow, and the significance of flower positioning on the homescreen. 
      2. Fix: As part of the onboarding tutorial, explain what the different stages of the flowers mean, and explain that they can customize the positioning, and that they will find out what type of flower it is when they reach a certain stage + can purchase specific flowers they want.
    5. Moderate – Not understanding My Family vs Home Page
      1. Fix: Label the button ‘List view’, or make a set of screens that allows the user to add a new family member and then make the button say  ‘Add a member’
    6. Moderate – Button highlighted in ‘Red’ 
      1. Problem: Reddish pink fill of the button looks like a warning and gives a wrong error signal
      2. Fix: Change the select button highlight color from pink to green or more neutral color
  • Trivial – Input fields were confusing around logging UI, photos empty vs no photos added
    1. Fix: Clarify the input fields to allow users to understand exactly what is being logged in each part of the logging
  1. Trivial – Home button = logo at the top left can be confusing or unclear.
    1. Fix: We can add a shadow or raised background around the logo so that it’s more visible that it’s a clickable button. Another option is to center it to increase visibility.

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