Writeup: Final Reflection

Enrolling in CS 247B was a unique experience that developed my understanding of design, particularly in the realm of behavior change. Initially, I approached the course with the misconception that designing applications to influence behavior was a straightforward process. However, over the course of the quarter, I learned about the complexities involved in creating applications that help people make positive changes in their lives.

One of the most memorable aspects of the course was the opportunity to collaborate on the development of Moment, an app aimed at enhancing social interactions. Through this project, I gained firsthand experience in applying user-centered design principles and iteratively refining our product based on user feedback. This hands-on approach not only reinforced the importance of empathy and iteration but also instilled in me a deeper appreciation for the iterative nature of the design process.

Furthermore, CS 247B introduced me to a plethora of design techniques that expanded my toolkit as a designer. For example, I learned about the importance of creating screeners and conducting diary studies to gain deeper insights into user behavior. These methodologies provided us with invaluable real-time data, allowing us to uncover nuanced patterns and preferences that would have been overlooked through traditional interview methods.

Additionally, the course taught me various techniques  for visualizing the data obtained from these studies, equipping me with the skills to translate insights into compelling visual narratives. From crafting connection circles to illustrating causal loops, I discovered the power of visual storytelling. Moreover, the sketchnote assignments and attending the guest lecture by Deb Aoki helped me significantly in practicing and improving my visual design skills, enabling me to convey ideas and concepts in a more engaging and accessible manner. 

Beyond the technical aspects, CS 247B fostered a collaborative and supportive learning environment. Through the ethics discussions, daily peer interviews, and collaborative work with my team, I not only gained valuable insights from diverse perspectives but also cultivated lasting connections within the design community at Stanford.

The course also encouraged critical reflection on the ethical implications of designing for behavior change. As we explored various design strategies and techniques, we also grappled with questions surrounding user autonomy, privacy, and the potential for unintended consequences. This ethical dimension added depth and nuance to our work, challenging us to consider the broader societal implications of our design decisions.

Finally, CS 247B provided me with a platform for self-discovery and personal growth. Through the various hands-on activities we did, I gained a deeper understanding of my strengths, weaknesses, and areas for growth as a designer. This process of self-reflection and self-improvement has been invaluable in shaping my professional development in the field of design, especially as I prepare to enter the workforce as a full-time designer.

In conclusion, CS 247B was a memorable course that deepened my understanding of design and equipped me with the skills and insights to create meaningful and impactful experiences. As I embark on the next chapter of my design journey, I carry with me all of these lessons learned.


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