Art of the OKR AND Babies, Bathwater and Goal-Setting

Homefood is a community-based food delivery app where we emulate the feeling of warmth, safety and community through fresh authentic dishes. These OKRs are directed to validate the MVP process and act as a pathway during prodcut iterations.


Objective: Customers feel at home and love to connect

KR1: Percentage of users who reach out to chefs via chat/ audio/ video at least during 50% of orders > X%

KR2: Percentage of users posting at least 1 blog per month > Y%

KR3: All chefs post blogs about dishes/specialties/ updates at least 1 every two weeks


Objective: People can’t get enough of our app recommendations!

KR1: Ratio of people clicking on recommendations and actually ordering from them < 0.2

KR2: Avg reviews on recommended dishes (most ordered, best-reviewed) consistently > ⅘ stars

KR3: Percentage of orders from recommended menu vs orders outside recommended menu > X%


Objective: (User engagement) Maintain stickiness of the app

KR1: Percentage of users ordering at least once per week > X%

KR2: Users order from one chef at least once a month > Y%

KR3: Average rating of user per dish > ⅘ stars


About the author