Eager Sellers Stony Buyers

PMs can effectively balance the desire to innovate and introduce new features with the need to address buyer resistance by considering user behavior to the extent that it is realistic to expect a user to change their behavior. As the reading dictates, behavior changes entail costs, thus minimizing this cost is important. Some of the strategies to minimize these can be building a behavioral framework. This is especially important in the sense of considering “what consumers lose by buying, which is what Loss Aversion is. PMs leverage this knowledge by enduring whatever consumers lose is less valuable to them than whatever they might gain from a new product. This means sales will occur. Feature creep is when a product is continuously added features upon and then it ends up being too much and too complex. The best way product managers can avoid falling into this trap is to really prioritize sellers’s main wants and scope the project well. If these are definied early on, it is easy to stay to plan.


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