OKR’s for HomeFood

As our team establishes OKRs, we see that our goals fall into not only operational goals, but also goals towards our value proposition.

O: Establish intimate connections between customers and chefs

  • 50% of customers return to order food from same chef
  • 33% of users utilize chat functionality to engage with chef
  • 50% of customers view chef profiles while ordering.

O: Customers are willing to spend money on our product

  • Customers order on the app 4x per month
  • Customers browse through app 2x per week
  • Customers spend more than $50 per month

O: Create a good first impression on customers

  • Average 4-star review on app store
  • Referral rate of 10%
  • Rate of app deletion within first week less than 15%

O: Create a lasting presence in the Stanford community

  • 3k followers on social media platform (Instagram) within first quarter
  • 20% like/engagement rate on posts
  • 20% of Stanford undergraduates download app in first quarter

As we think about these OKRs, I wonder how we can truly enjoy the process of reaching them. The thought of accomplishing these OKRs seems daunting, especially for a four person team. It is likely that we will not be able to accomplish them all, but will make progress towards them. However, in an achievement oriented environment, it seems like small failures can lead to abandonment or shifting sense of worth. How can we use OKRs to motivate us even when we fail to reach them? How do we encourage the view of a growth mindset in these settings?




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