Our OKRs for the launch are the following:

  • Objective: Make a compelling MVP to launch to college students and new grads.
  • Key Results:
    • 100,000 sign-ups for landing page
    • 50% day-one user retention

We will aim to meet these OKRs in 6 months, which will provide ample time for designing, prototyping, developing, and marketing the product. Because we are so early in the process, we want to focus on the earliest iteration of the product before jumping the gun to our final market. We want to focus on building a great product for university students and new grads looking to organize different parts of their life in a structured manner. In this process, we want to create separate landing pages marketing different aspects of the product to see which one does the best, and for that specific version of the product we are aiming for at least 100,000 sign-ups from university students and new grads across the country. We will accomplish this using targeted ads on social media platforms and marketing efforts across college campuses, starting with Stanford. Once we release the MVP, we want to see high user retention, aiming for 50% of day-one users to return to the app within the first week. Another metric of this would be how useful they find the app, or how often users come back to specifically input their data.


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