1A Reflection

Over the course of finalizing our pitch deck, I felt as if I learned a lot about not only market analysis and how to develop and present a product, but also about how to collaborate as a team to create something that might actually make a difference in the world.

One remarkable quality about our team was that each member genuinely believed in the product – we were really invested in actually thinking about how people like us could use MingleMeals. I think a key part to this aspect was being able to have user interviews, as this really put us in touch with user need finding and having empathy for our target demographic. We enjoyed characterizing our consumer base as if they were real people that actually existed. Because of this rich enthusiasm for the product, I believe our team’s pitch deck is one of unique quality and thought. Our efforts were motivated purely by thinking of how to make our product better – similar to the responsibilities of this role in the real world.

The feedback we received from our PM mentor, Phil Hornby, was both valuable and enthusiastically received. However, I will note that many members of our team expressed regret that often some of his advice was given in too high-level of a format, so we were unable to understand or fully use the information. We wished that we had been able to understand more about what he felt about our product on a deeper level, both to view our product through a more real world lens and also because of genuine interest in the work we had put in to the product.

Overall, I have gained more excitement about what a PM role entails and am increasingly eager to pursue the field after having taken this class.


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