Would you accept a job at Facebook?

For me, it depends on at what point in my career I am because of how that determines the order of my seven values for ranking jobs.

Early on in my career, the most important things to me when choosing a job would be that my work (1) provides security, (2) accumulates money, and (3) is comfortable. As the first in my family to enter the tech workforce, I want a strong, stable foundation early on that I can use to grow my career from, which working at a top company like Facebook would accomplish. Once I’m there for a couple years and have reaped the benefits of working at Facebook, I would look to move into a role at a different company based on whether my work (1) is meaningful, (2) provides work-life balance, (3) provides security, (4) is comfortable. This shift of values following my early career means that I would most likely not accept a job at Facebook any point after I’m a couple years out from college. Mainly, I don’t think I would feel fulfilled enough in my work there to have a passion for what I’m doing.


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