Would you accept a job at Facebook?

This is a question that’s very dependent on individual stances, perceptions of the company, and certain personal circumstances. I could answer this from a few different angles. The text states that “In a world spattered with poverty and desperation, exploitation of workers is one of the most frequently cited areas of corporate abuse.” With Facebook, this exploitation can show up to be more intellectual than manual. For example, there have been concerns about the pressures and demands placed on employees or the potential misuse of user data. When deciding about Facebook I’d have to seriously think about if I would be comfortable with the company’s treatment of its employees and its handling of user data. At the end of the day though, it also very much depends on intention. For example the article mentions that “accepting a job at a company can be a route to changing that company’s policy”, so if that is my goal and I am actively working against the types of ethically dubious practices I see then maybe I would consider working for facebook. However, I don’t think its realistic to expect individual efforts alone to be effective in this endeavor. So for my answer I would say it depends, if I see a way to make change I might, otherwise I likely won’t as of now.


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