Behavioral Persona and Journey Map

Behavioral Persona


Name of persona: 


Project Team name/individual name
Role: Senior Undergraduate Student at Stanford
Goal Wants to reduce their screen time
Motivation Wants to spend more quality alone time 
Conflict They usually end up going on their phone whenever they’re alone
Attempts to Solve Tried self-control and the apple screen time limiter but the first was too harsh and the second too soft
Setting/ Environment In their room or around campus
Tools iPhone, apps that try to limit screen time, their room including the drawers and other things around it
Skills Love and are good at reading, drawing, and cooking
Routines Is a very scheduled person, has classes most of the day and some meetings at night, has some social activities planned too, also cooks each morning and goes on social media at night
Habits They tend to go on social media on their phone at night before bed, talk to their parents each day, bike to class

Journey Map Persona

The character that I created is named Soji. Soji is a senior undergraduate student who is craving more alone time amidst the craziness of her life at Stanford. However, she is uncomfortable with being alone with her thoughts, so, whenever she is alone, she ends up spending over an hour on her phone on social media. She has tried things like the apple time limiter or self control but quickly stopped using both as they did not get her to stop using her phone as much. Outside of this, she has so many talents and interest—she cooks, she reads, she writes, etc. She is also a woman of routine, with several activities and habits scheduled into each of her days. 


Throughout the course of the 5-day study, there was some variation in her screen time but not by a ton. The same prompts of screen time usage existed, like when needing a break from work and having alone down time between activities and at night. But, one of the days, she was able to get in a good long walk for alone time. Hopefully, she is able to be more comfortable with her aloneness and start to spend more of that time doing activities she loves alone. 


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