Elaboration and Wireflows

Below are scenarios and their corresponding wireflows. Each scenario and wireflow also has a description alongside it.

Scenario: Login

This wireflow follows both first-time users and repeat users as they open the app. The name “Creato” is a placeholder for the actual app name. First-time users would need to create an account (potentially linking with existing social media apps) and define their creative preferences. We additionally may incorporate a friend-linking step where users can connect with their friends, but we are still working on this element. Regardless, all users will end up on the login page, which immediately leads into the homepage (see next wireflow).

Scenario: From home page, ability to view and navigate to essential information: current prompt, groups and previous work. Ability to share some of previous work easily.

We believe that the home page is essential to showing all the important information that a user might be looking for. For instance, they may just be getting on the app to see their current prompt. They may also want to see what their groups are up to. It’s also nice to remind them of the work and progress that they’ve done, hence we show them part of their gallery on the home page. If they want, they can easily share it with friends via social media and text, which we believe will be a great way to get other people to get inspired to be creative too and to join the app.

Scenario: Creating, Submitting, and Voting on custom creativity exercises in friend groups

Our solution is centered around collaborative engagement and accountability for practicing creativity throughout a user’s day by leveraging friend networks. Based on feedback from our lightning talk, not all users or groups may want to engage with pre-generated creativity prompts. A group of friends, however, may engage more with the solution if they can create customized creative prompts for each other that cater more to their known interests and skills. The wireflow illustrates a potential path for a user from within a group. The user can poll group members to submit their own creativity exercises for the day, within different categories. Group members can vote on the prompts, after which a main exercise is highlighted for all group members, which they can submit to and give praise to others within the group chat.

Scenario: Notification for getting a prompt, doing your creative work, submitting it

In this scenario, users get a notification for their creative prompt in a given time period (likely a week but we are still fleshing out this detail). When they click the notification, they are taken into our app to see the entire prompt. At this point, if they have the free time to do so, they complete what the prompt is asking. In the example below they take a picture of something beautiful (a tree in nature) and upload the photo to the app.

Scenario: Giving and Receiving Feedback

We think an important part of the creative process and working collaboratively with friends on this platform will be to give and receive feedback by leaving comments on what people are working on. This wireflow details two processes: getting notified that someone has just posted something and having the ability to write a response and receiving feedback on your own work.

Our baseline and intervention study guided the design for these wireflows. We will use the results from our assumption mapping experiments to update these wireflows as we continue to iterate.


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