Team 10: Wireflows

Before we could start Wireflowing our solution, we needed to zoom out a bit – what are we trying to build? What are the 3 things that a user MUST be able to do – with everything else as a cherry on top? 



After lots of brainstorming along with these questions, we were able to come up with our MVP, in the form of 3 essential tasks:

Task 1 – Find your initial break time activities

This includes the signup/log-in flow, as well as guiding the user through finding 1 or 2 tasks that they might never have heard of, but would be an engaging alternative to social media. As we have learned through our studies, and from class feedback, this is challenging to do! 


Task 2 – Actually completing the activity

Now that the user has chosen the activities that they would theoretically like to do, how do we prompt them to do it? How do we ensure that the activity is time bounded? And where in the process will the user get to share what they did?  


Task 3 – Sharing Activities and Social Accountability

This is what powers the external motivation of our app (the internal motivation coming from the visual continuity on the home screen). We needed to think through when the user would share their progress pictures, how they would see their friends…and what even counts as a friend?




Now that we had our MVP mapped out, we could begin sketching our wireflows – how will our user’s actually go about doing the above tasks? We framed each task as a scenario, and drew out how the interaction may go. 


Scenario 1 (Maps to MVP Task 1): I W. Change knows that they go on social media too much, and wants to use their breaks in a more meaningful manner. They just heard about this new app, and installed it on their phone. Now, they want to sign up as soon as possible and get their journey started. 



Scenario 2 (MVP Task 2): I W. Change is going about their day, and they get a prompt on their phone, around the time that they’d be taking a break, to do an alternative break activity! They click on this prompt, and are brought to the app to do their break. 

Scenario 3 (MVP Task 3): I W. Change has just completed his break, and is feeling proud about what they’ve done. They want to share it with their friends, but also see how they’re journeys are going!

And there we have it! Next, we want to integrate our wireflows with the results of our Assumptions testing and use those to create a more refined wireflow, consistent with our understanding of the problem and what users need. 


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